The nutritional quality of aquaculture feed depends on the nature and quality of the raw materials used in its composition, the nutritional approach adopted in the formulation of the products, as well as the equipment and manufacturing methods.
Some criteria in aquaculture should be taken into account before deciding which feeds to use. In this article, we will show you what these criteria are.
Choosing the right fish pellet equipment can make your aquaculture more effective. The feed pellet processed by Lima floating fish feed pellet machine has the advantages of high hardness, smooth surface, complete internal cooking, and good palatability. We also have a variety of fish food pellet production line configurations for customers to choose from. Choosing the Lima fish food pellet machine allows you to obtain the best economic benefits.
Specifications of extruded floating fish feed made by fish feed extruder
The quality extruded sinking fish feed made by a fish feed extruder must meet the following two conditions
The floating rate should reach 98% or higher

The test system of floating rate is to choose one hundred dried extruded fish feed pellets aimlessly and also put them in to3.5 salt water with a temperature of 20 ℃ and record the number of sinking fish feed within 30 seconds.
The time of stability in the water is over two hours or further
The test system of the stability time is to choose one hundred dried extruded fish feed pellets aimlessly and put them in the water to start timing until there are further than five fish feed pellets begin to disperse and can’t be picked up. This time period is called the stability time of extruded floating fish feed. The stability of extruding floating fish feed is related to the salutary habit of fishes.

In the view of the environment, the longer the stability time of extruded fish feed in the water, the more profitable it is to eat for fish, which can prevent feed disperse and beget water pollution.
Which Factors Do Influence the Fish Feed quality
In fact, the fish’s digestibility for feed is affected by numerous factors. Then we will substantially talk about four main factors feed formulation, fish feed product, feeding styles and water terrain condition.
Scientific Feed Formulation
The nutritive content of the feed itself has a great influence on the feed measure. Protein and fat content are the two main nutritive pointers of the feed. The advanced the content, the lower the feed measure and the better the digestion and immersion of fish is. At the same time, the feed with the same or analogous content also will have great differences because of the being factors and the structure of the active constituents. In addition, high situations of essential nutrients in the feed can also get indigestion. However, the quantum of protein in the fish remains nearly constant, and the increase in body weight isn’t commensurable to the quantum of protein in the feed If the protein content is too high. This not only results in the waste of protein but also the metabolites of the protein that also contaminate the water.
Quality and the processing of raw material

In addition, because of the special nature of the aqua feed, there’s a high demand for processing. The specialized pointers that affect the feed processing quality are substantially the particle size, pressure, and temperature of the regulating brume.
Feeding skill
Feeding technology has a great influence on the feed measure, and the key is feeding times and feeding rate. Feeding times is determined by the time the feed passes through the digestive tract of the fish and the feeding rate is grounded on the maximum malnutrition of the fish. unhappy feeding times and rate will increase the feed measure. For illustration, if the feeding number and feeding quantum is too important, the fish will be too full to digest and absorb efficiently, which also will reduce feed application. Only by knowing well of the fish’s input habits and feeding them in the right way can you make full use of fish feed’s product performance and reduce feed measure
Water environment
Of all the water environment factors, water temperature and water quality have the topmost effect on feed measure. Fish is a kind of poikilotherm whose metabolic exertion changes with the water temperature. When the water temperature is low, the metabolic exertion of the fish is reduced, the energy needed is lower and the food input is also low. Take the carp as an illustration. When the water temperature is 20- 27 ℃, the utilization rate of feed is more.